Ezoic Services

Ezoic Services
This website uses the services of Ezoic Inc. (“Ezoic”), including to manage third-party interest-based advertising. Ezoic may employ a variety of technologies on this website, including tools to serve content, display advertisements and enable advertising to visitors of this website, which may utilize first and third-party cookies.
A cookie is a small text file sent to your device by a web server that enables the website to remember information about your browsing activity. First-party cookies are created by the site you are visiting, while third-party cookies are set by domains other than the one you're visiting. Ezoic and our partners may place third-party cookies, tags, beacons, pixels, and similar technologies to monitor interactions with advertisements and optimize ad targeting. Please note that disabling cookies may limit access to certain content and features on the website, and rejecting cookies does not eliminate advertisements but will result in non-personalized advertising. You can find more information about cookies and how to manage them here.
The following information may be collected, used, and stored in a cookie when serving personalized ads:

  • IP address
  • Operating system type and version
  • Device type
  • Language preferences
  • Web browser type
  • Email (in a hashed or encrypted form)
Ezoic and its partners may use this data in combination with information that has been independently collected to deliver targeted advertisements across various platforms and websites. Ezoic’s partners may also gather additional data, such as unique IDs, advertising IDs, geolocation data, usage data, device information, traffic data, referral sources, and interactions between users and websites or advertisements, to create audience segments for targeted advertising across different devices, browsers, and apps. You can find more information about interest-based advertising and how to manage them here.
You can view Ezoic’s privacy policy here, or for additional information about Ezoic’s advertising and other partners, you can view Ezoic’s advertising partners here.

Privacy Policy

Amazon Associates Program

This web­site is a par­tic­i­pant in the Ama­zon Ser­vices LLC As­so­ci­ates Pro­gram. This means, in par­tic­u­lar, that if you fol­low a link to ama­zon.com or any other na­tional ver­sion of Ama­zon web­site and then buy any­thing within 24 hours, I will re­ceive a small per­cent­age of what you pay to Ama­zon (but your price will stay ex­actly the same).

The links to Ama­zon on this web­site are mostly links to my own books. When you buy my book on Ama­zon, a sig­nif­i­cant por­tion of what you pay goes di­rectly to Ama­zon rather than me. By buy­ing my book within 24 hours of click­ing on a link to Ama­zon here, you make a part of Ama­zon’s roy­alty share go back to me.

Collection of personal information

We only col­lect per­son­ally iden­ti­fi­able in­for­ma­tion, such as names or email ad­dresses, when vol­un­tar­ily sub­mit­ted by my vis­i­tors. This in­for­ma­tion is only used to ful­fil your spe­cific re­quest (e.g. pur­chas­ing our products or sign­ing up to our newslet­ters). We never share any in­for­ma­tion with third par­ties, un­less re­quired by the law.